​​The Hybrid Fitness Stadium,
Weldon Way,
Tel. 01737 644046
Email. info@mersthamfc.com
By road from M25 East
Leave M25 at Junction 6 Godstone, take the second exit off the roundabout. In Godstone follow the one-way system signs for Redhill A25.Next village is Bletchingley; Beware on approach speed camera, it works! Up the hill out of the village turn right immediately after the Red Lion pub. Looks narrow but widens out. Go under the motorway bridge into the housing estate. At second mini roundabout turn left into Weldon Way, we are 100 yards on the right, next to the old library building.
By road from M25 West
Leave the M25 at Junction 8 Reigate, take the A217 exit to Sutton/Reigate/Redhill/A25. At the roundabout take the 3rd exit onto Reigate Hill/A217. Exit the roundabout onto Reigate Hill/A217. Keep left to continue on Back Lane. Slight left onto Gatton Bottom. Turn right onto London Road/A23. Turn left onto School Hill at the War Memorial. Take the 1st exit at the 1st mini roundabout. Take the second exit at the next mini roundabout turning right almost immediately after into Weldon Way. We are 100 yards on the right, next to the old library building.
Please note that there is a low bridge on School Hill and coaches will not be able to approach the ground under the low bridge.
By rail
Merstham Station is approximately 10 minute walk from the ground. There are regular trains from London Victoria, London Bridge, Horsham and Redhill.
We have a small car park. Please park your vehicle on the surrounding roads, and respect our neighbours.
For Directions to The Hybrid Fitness Stadium CLICK HERE and fill in your details.